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Ivy Kids Kit - The Secret Birthday Message
Ivy Kids Kit - The Secret Birthday Message
In February's Ivy Kids kit featuring the book The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle, you will find:
- The book The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carle, an fun story with die-cut pages that explores shapes, patterns, and map reading
- Read along Bookmark: Use to assist with reading comprehension.
- The Biggest Star: Use crayons and watercolor paint to decorate a giant star
- Fun with a Geoboard: Create designs, shapes, and letters by stretching rubber bands on a Geoboard.
- Shape Collage: Use a variety of colorful foam shapes to create a beautiful collage on a circular board.
- 3-Dimensional Shapes: Identify and explore the attributes of common 3-dimensional shapes.
- Guess the Shape: Secretly place an object in the baggie. Try to have another player guess the shape by feeling it.
- Roll, Stack, and Slide: A 3-D Shape Experiment to test whether the different geometric shapes can roll, stack, and/or slide. Use the Ivy Kids box as a ramp!
- Shape Overlap Artwork: Use crayons to draw as many different overlapping shapes as you can. Then paint over the crayon drawings with watercolor paints. Watercolor paint over crayons creates a beautiful effect.
- Roll-a-Shape board game: Each player rolls the die and moves a 3-D object to the closest corresponding shape. The player to reach the finish first wins the game!
- Secret Message: Create your own secret message that can be revealed with watercolor paint!
- Solve the Riddle: Read the clues on the sheet and try to guess the geometric shape. Reveal the answer to each riddle by solving the shape code.
- Shape Sort: Create a colorful collage of shapes sorted by number of edges.
- Shape Memory: Players take turns flipping over one shape silhouette card and one object card to find a match.
- Shape Hunt: Follow the map and move from room to room of your house hunting for the shapes listed.
Your Kit includes a guide for each activity to help promote your child’s learning while you play together.
At Ivy Kids, we know that every child is unique. In your guide, you will find tips to
modify each game based on the age and development of your child.