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Ivy Kids Kit - Harold's ABC
Ivy Kids Kit - Harold's ABC
In September's Ivy Kids Kit, featuring the book Harold's ABC by Crockett Johnson you will find:
- The book Harold's ABC by Crockett Johnson.
- Read along Bookmark: Use to assist with reading comprehension.
- Dry Erase Board: As you read the book, draw along with Harold.
- My Purple Crayon Story: Using your purple crayon create your own adventurous story.
- Wipeable Purple Window Marker: Pretend you are Harold and draw purple pictures all around you. This marker is wipeable and can be used on any non-porous surface.
- Dot to Dot Wooden Letters: Use paint, markers, or the crayons included to decorate wooden letters.
- Guess the Missing Letter: Players take turns trying to figure out the missing letter from the alphabet.
- Letter Beads: Use the letter beads to spell words, make letters patterns or just have fun stringing the letter beads together.
- Match the Letters: Match the uppercase and lowercase letter cards.
- Letter Draw: Use the dry erase marker to transform letters into pictures that begin with that letter sound, as Harold did in the story. See if you can use the pictures to tell your own story.
- ABC Dot to Dot Booklet: Use your purple crayon to connect the dots and create pictures beginning with each letter of the alphabet.
- ABC Slides and Ladders Game: Roll the die and move your crayon pawn through the alphabet. Land on a letter space with a ladder and move up a row to a new letter. Watch out for the letter spaces with the slides. These will take you back down. Get your crayon home as fast as you can!
- Crayon Race: Roll the die and move your crayon pawn through the hundreds board. The crayon to reach 100 first wins the race.
- Dry Erase Hundreds Board: Explore the hundreds board. Use your dry erase marker to find number patterns. Or reverse the board and write the numbers.
- Make Your Own Crayon: Learn how crayons are made by using the provided wax pellets, dye chips, and silicone mold to create your very own unique crayon.
Your Kit includes a guide for each activity to help promote your child’s learning while you play together.
At Ivy Kids, we know that every child is unique. In your guide, you will find tips to
modify each game based on the age and development of your child.