Without question, June has been one of the most hectic and exciting months in our household and with the shipment of our first kits, Jump, Frog, Jump!, we are officially open for business.

WHEW, but there's no time for breaks now because we've started rolling out the next month's kit and we're extremely excited about this one as well.
It's an amazing kit based around the book Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh and it's so jammed packed full of fun, that I'm sure kids are going to love it!
Check it out.
We've updated our Kit of the Month page to showcase all the great activities included in August's kit and as you'll see this is a kit for the budding artist as well as a learning tool. I've never met a kid who could resist painting and modeling clay, and everything you'll need to get started comes inside each and every kit.
If you're considering subscribing, check out our Press page often for recent reviews and to see what others are saying.
If you're one of our customers, first, we want to say thank you and we hope that you're enjoying the kits. Secondly, we're always looking for feedback and we'd love to hear what you think of your kit. So send us an email at ivykids@ivy-kids.com, or post a comment on our facebook page IvyKidsKits, or even tweet us a pic @ivykidskits #ivykidskit.
You can really let everyone know how much you love your kit by posting a review on the Kit of the Month page.
Thanks for everyone's support. Till next time.